Inner Flow
Holistic Therapy -
Using the infinite power of the body and mind to bring healing.
Our Services
Holistic Therapy
In an Holistic Therapy session we will address you and your needs as a whole and use both counselling and somatic therapies such as Kinesiology and Spinal Flow Technique. We will look at all aspects of your health including your physical, mental and emotional health. Our aim is to bring wellness to you as whole. Our goal is always freedom…freedom to be exactly who you are and to create the life that you want for yourself in every way possible. True happiness is only possible when you feel free to fully express yourself.
Spinal Flow
I have been practicing Spinal Flow for a few years now and I absolutely love to use it in conjunction with counselling (either as part of counselling with me or for clients who also see a psychologist). I find it gives the body time to integrate new ideas and beliefs that are created through the talk therapy – change in the body and mind can happen so quickly with the right conditions and Spinal Flow provides that.
Spinal Flow Technique works through gentle touch on the body that connects with the nervous system to bring safety and ease in the body. In this state your body can heal symptoms such as anxiety, joint and muscle pain, inflammation in the body, kyphosis, scoliosis, headaches and many others. The beauty of this modality is that as your body comes back to a place of ease and flexibility symptoms will resolve.
Reduces Pain and Inflammation in the Body
Reduces Stress & Anxiety
Balances Hormones
Boosts Mental Clarity and Wellbeing
Where are we located?
I work from my home clinic in Newport. You will find me in the cottage (converted garage) in the front.
Address details are below. Please call me on 0414683747 if you need help booking your preferred time